About me

Hey I'm Arman Ali Khan a CSE undergraduate from
Siksha'O'Anusandhan University,ITER.
I'm an optimistic person, punctual, trustworthy , critical
thinker, action taker and adaptable to the surrounding.
from Jusco School Kadma

Intermediate of Science
From Jusco School Kadma

From Institute of Techincal Education and Research,
'O' Anusandhan University

upto 4th sem pursuing

A website that contains Amazing Card User Interface(UI) Designs and Effects for you to use it on your Projects/websites.

Know Corona
A website that shares Information about Covid-19(Corona) and it related stuffs.

Text to Speech
A WEBSITE based TextToSpeech converter. As per name it converts text written into speech.

TODO with Crud
This is a ToDo website with some features that stores data on your browers localStorage